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Division: South Central 3
Home Team: Cowbridge C
Away Team: Llanishen B
Date:23 Mar 2023
Time:07:00 pm

NomHome PlayerNomAway PlayerResultGames
3-1Alex Jenkins2-2Jon Rifflart3115/9 3/15 15/9 15/10
3-2Dan Patterson2-3Bevan Duff3015/11 15/9 15/10
3-3Tim Elvidge2-4Nick Quinn3015/10 15/9 15/11
3-5James Roberts2-5Stuart D'Ivry2317/15 15/10 10/15 2/15 10/15
3-8Anna Adams2-6Steve Thomas036/15 5/15 10/15
Marker Bonus:11

Report:Match report [by Tim E]

Forget top of the table, tonight was all about mid table politics. Where the true working class blood sweat and tears are shed. Llanishen, having been narrowly beaten at home were looking for an upset tonight.

First on court was Al Birthday Jenkins Vs Jon. Having received a lovely new pair of socks for his birthday Al started on a high winning the first. Still dreaming of putting on that fresh cotton for the first time, Jon saw his chance and dominated the 2nd. Fortunately for Cowbridge Al reacted badly that his first pint had been delayed and ramped it up avoiding a dreaded 5th game. 1-0 Cowbridge.

At the same time a deafening crowd could be heard on the court opposite as Anna took on Steve. Still with Jeremy Hunts new budget on her mind she let her foot off the gas and found herself 2 games down. Giving it her all in the third and even putting in a few drops they still weren't enough for Steve's ruthlessly consistent play. Hats off to Anna for managing to keep her cool despite some dodgy decisions from the ref. 1-1.

All to play for as Tim and Nick took to the court. Both were totting up points and the first looked like it could go either way. Then in a remarkable sequence of unpredictable shots and use of all aspects of his bat, Tim took the advantage. The "banker" then turned to what he does best and did that thing where he kept hitting the ball back. 2-1

On the other court James was proving that a man who only plays squash once a week can still teach someone a thing or two. Before Stu knew it he was 2-0 down and James was ready to clean up the points like the crumbs off a breadboard. He activated his superpowers and the squash club was filled with the noise of tin. He couldn't resist it and Stu capitalised. Defeat was snatched from the jaws of victory. 2-2

The decider. The string tension was high and both were out for glory. Dan having recovered from a particularly bad case of the sniffles last week showed no hesitation. Some great squash from both players but Dan had the edge over Bev tonight. Just as the crowd were getting restless he pulled off the shot of the match described as "80% string 20% frame" but hit with 100% confidence the ball danced in the air and dropped perfectly taking the match. 3-2

Thanks Llanishen - a great night topped off with chips, pizza + beer.
Author:Dan Patterson

Away Report
Away Report: 

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